Malaysia’s Traffic Goes Wild

Ah Malaysia, a land of scrumptious food, rolling palm plantations, and … animals on the highways?

Just last week, an ostrich was seen speeding down Federal Highway in downtown Kuala Lumpur. Called Chickaboo, the bird changed lanes constantly, obstructed traffic in five lanes and probably had its license revoked after it was caught and returned to its owner. To its credit though, it did keep to the speed limit.

A brown horse joined the motorcade a few days later on a Kelantan highway. Although it was outpaced by the vehicles, it kept up a gallop for about 45 minutes and covered about 10 km. Fair mileage, and good fuel efficiency for an animal powered by grass.

After the horse and ostrich blazed a trail, the whole farmyard joined in.  

A cow lumbers down the freeway.

This pig is a real road hog.

Next time you’re in Malaysia, keep your eyes peeled for four-legged motorists. But this isn’t unique to Malaysia. For a road trip with exotic fauna, try driving in the Middle East.

It almost makes you want to pack your camera for all your highway trips.

Nothing injects fun into a drive like animals on the highway. Just be careful not to inject too much.