Mozzie-Repellent Plants

It’s official that Zika is spreading fast. While neighbourhoods are getting fogged with dangerous chemicals, the last thing you probably want is to spray more of that – like DEET – if you can avoid it. So, what can you do at home to prevent getting bitten by mozzies?

For one, you can try planting mozzie-repelling plants. It doesn’t hurt to add these to your homes. Scroll down below to read more!



The smell of catnip doesn’t just drive cats crazy, apparently according to scientific research, it’s 10 times more effective than DEET (a common chemical in strong mosquito repellents).


As a key ingredient in many natural mozzie repellents, citronella thrives in our warm climate. It emits a strong aroma which masks other scents, like our breaths which attract mozzies. Lemongrass is a local alternative, which also contains citronella oil.


A well-known herb for relaxation and skincare, lavender oil also has the added benefit of repelling mozzies when you apply it on your skin.

Lemon Balm:

This hardy plant grows easily, even in shade, and grows fast. It repels mozzies thanks to its high content of citronella compound. Plus, you can also dry its leaves to make tea or crush the leaves to rub onto your skin as a repellent.


Marigold has a unique aroma that bugs like mozzies find repulsive, plus it contains pyrethrum, an ingredient found in many insect repellents.


Any type of mint will have an aroma that deters bugs, including mosquitoes. An added bonus is that you can use the leaves – rubbed directly on the skin – to relieve the itch. And you can also make natural mint tea.


Normally associated with cooking herbs, university researchers have found that thyme repelled mozzies as well as or better than DEET.