The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) is Singapore’s university of applied learning and is currently Singapore’s third-largest autonomous university by undergraduate intake. It offers high-quality university education that adds value to Singapore’s economy, through its suite of industry-relevant degree programmes.
If you’re thinking of applying to SIT, here are 10 things to know about it:
1. A growing university with a unique pedagogy
SIT was gazetted as an Autonomous University in 2014. Its unique applied learning pedagogy that integrates work and study allows students to apply their skills in real-world environments through work attachments and projects with industry partners. This prepares graduates to be work-ready.
2. Industry-relevant programmes that produce employable graduates
Designed in consultation with industry, SIT’s degree programmes show strong employment outcomes. More than 9 in 10 graduates were employed within six months of graduation, earning competitive salaries. For example, Class of 2021 earned a mean gross monthly salary of $3,755.
For Academic Year (AY) 2023, SIT offers 39 industry-relevant undergraduate degree programmes via five academic clusters: Business, Communication and Design; Engineering; Food, Chemical and Biotechnology; Health and Social Sciences; and Infocomm Technology. Students will be immersed in real-world environments via their eight to 12-month-long Integrated Work Study Programme (IWSP) or 25 to 32-week Clinical Practices (for healthcare students).
Degree programmes that are on the Term-In Term-Out (TITO) pathway, such as Applied Computing (with Fintech specialisation), Digital Supply Chain and Robotics Systems, allow students to alternate their time between the university and the workplace every year.

3. Holistic education infused with interdisciplinary learning
Besides imparting students with specialised knowledge, SIT places a strong emphasis on transferable skills such as global perspective, digital fluency, collaboration, and transdisciplinary thinking, training students to be professionally agile, critical thinkers and effective communicators. SIT has an Industry Ready Skills Framework which details five levels of mastery for students to track their development.
Undergraduates reading SIT and SIT-joint degree programmes also get to collaborate through multidisciplinary modules like the ‘Social Innovation Project’, where they tackle complex issues that help develop them into socially astute career professionals with key interdisciplinary skills.
4. Sustainability education
SIT places an important focus on sustainability in its degree programmes, such as Sustainable Built Environment, and the university’s applied research projects. This is because there is a greater need than ever for knowledge and skill sets in sustainability within the workforce, especially with the green economy being earmarked as one of three growth areas for Singapore.
This year, the university is strengthening its sustainability education offerings through the introduction of a Minor in Environmental Sustainability (currently for selected degree programmes like Engineering Systems and Electrical Power Engineering). The university has recently implemented a compulsory micro-module for all Year 1 undergraduates that equips them with the fundamentals of sustainable development.

5. Exciting freshmen orientation
Freshmen can look forward to the SIT First-Year Experience, a holistic and immersive orientation programme. Activities are curated to nurture a sense of belonging to the SIT community through meaningful interactions with fellow SITizens. The series of induction programmes consists of three components:
University Life Club Fair: Interact with seniors and find out more about various opportunities and support systems, with over 100 exhibition booths and workshops planned by student organisations.
Day Zero: Plan and track your learning journeys through this induction programme that introduces freshmen to SIT’s unique pedagogy.
Helix: Get familiarised with the SIT culture and values by understanding the SITizen-DNA, and meet peers from other disciplines.
6. Vibrant student life
SIT may be a young university, but it already has more than 140 student organisations, recreational clubs and interest groups.
Meet like-minded peers through a wide range of clubs that focus on sports development, arts & culture, leadership, special interest & industry chapters, global citizenship, and student welfare. Find your tribe and create a vibrant and meaningful university life.

7. Emerge as career-ready graduates
SIT develops students into career-ready graduates through dedicated initiatives and programmes such as career success workshops, industry mentorships, career fairs, career success workshops and career coaching sessions. To better prepare students for the job market, SIT also focuses on strengthening students’ growth mindset and developing their adaptability and resilience, so that they can better navigate today’s dynamic job market.
8. Study in the new campus in Punggol
Specially designed to integrate with industry and the Punggol community, SIT’s upcoming campus in Punggol Digital District will strengthen its ability to deliver an industry-focused, applied learning education. The smart and sustainable campus-in-a-park is targeted to be ready in 2024, and will offer enhanced learning opportunities through its living labs. Industry can tap SIT’s applied learning and research capabilities, thereby enhancing opportunities for students to work on real-world problems.

9. SITizenship for life
A multitude of exciting opportunities await SITizens as they embark on their journey with SIT. The university advocates lifelong learning and welcomes alumni to return to SIT as working adults to develop new skills through courses in areas like Building Services, Cybersecurity, Engineering, Health Sciences, and Hospitality.
SIT alumni can also enjoy a variety of activities through exclusive events under three Alumni Networks – Career, Leisure, and Sports – where they can learn a new skill, pick up a new hobby, or try out a new sport with fellow SITizens.
10. Embark on an exciting journey with SIT
SIT takes a holistic approach in selecting prospective students. This means that the university looks beyond your grades and assesses you as an individual with diverse qualities, talents, and life experiences. There are a few key areas that the university looks out for: academic proficiency, relevant work experience, related exposure and achievements, passion and aptitude, performance during the admissions interviews. The university accepts a wide variety of academic qualifications, including Diploma, A Level and International Baccalaureate Diploma.
We all know the importance of choosing the right university. Join one with a culture of “learning by doing” to prepare you to be future-ready.