What happens when a Cupnoodles ad is dictated by client feedback

Have you ever thought about what goes on in the process of creating an ad? Below is a hilarious example of the process for creating an ad from Nissin Cupnoodles – for their new product Milk Seafood. After this, you’ll really appreciate what designers have to go through in trying to appease their clients while trying to keep their design integrity.

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Here we have a perfectly normal ad that’s first proposed by the agency:

Then of course, there would be feedback. Here’s what came back – with a comment on making non-human fans.

This is what they came back with – with creepy pandas and scary eyes:

Of course, there’s usually another round of revision. This time with way more strange comments – note the comment on ‘cow running like a horse’ and ‘panda look like cow’:

Of course, designers persevere. And finally, we present to you the design clients think they want, but designers don’t want to produce:

While this isn’t a real ad campaign, Nissin has tweeted this hilarious process here. And just in case you were wondering, Nissin is known for being, well, weird: