Get paid (and fed) for your opinions! |

Get paid $30 simply to attend our Focus Group where we want to hear your opinions about studying abroad (specifically in the USA)!

We are looking for:
– JC students
– NSmen
who are planning to study overseas.

Participants will get a fee of $30 per person, and snacks are included!

Duration: 60-90 minutes
Date: 12 Oct
Time: 3pm
Location: Lowercase Cafe, Lasalle College of the Arts
Refreshments: Snacks and drinks will be provided

Interested? Please email us at or with the title “Focus Group”!

Feel free to bring along your friend(s) – seats are limited though! In order for us to select our participants, please fill in these details:

Mobile Number and Email:
Current school (or last graduated from):
When will you graduate:
You’re interested in studying in which country(ies):

We will notify you by 11 October if you’re selected!