[Out Now] Campus Magazine Issue #47: Adulting

It happens to all of us. Gone are the days when all we had to worry about was surviving school, and trying out the latest latte fad. Now, we have to add more grown-up things to the list. Welcome to #adulting.

The first step to being an adult is, of course, making sure we behave like one. Know when you’re behaving like a child or an adult with our handy guide (p. 3 & 22). Don’t worry, even if you haven’t peaked at your craft, we’ve got a guide to when you should biologically peak at them (p.26).

Of course, one inevitable aspect of growing up is deciding what to do. Should you work for yourself, or work for an SME or MNC (p. 5)? First, you’ll have to survive the job hunt (p. 23 & 27).

Once you have your own dough to play with, you probably need to know the basics of money and banking (p. 6-9). The next step is to know what makes a long-term relationship (p. 2), and be sceptical about things your read about (p. 10).

Let’s not forget our Education Special – this issue we’re talking about Going Global. Whether you’re thinking of working overseas, or not, read up on some industries (or specialisations) that can give you a head start.

Ready for #adulting? Then pick up your free copy at our distribution outlets or read online here.