Plump Tigers Spotted in China’s Tiger Park

Some of you may have seen photos of portly tigers in Harbin’s Siberian Tiger Park that have gone viral over the CNY period. While they do look comical and completely the opposite of what you imagine tigers to be, the park’s officials have clarified that they don’t always look this way… no kidding.

They cited harsh the winters (with temps of a brisk -38ºC!) which prompt these feline killers to store fat to warm themselves up. Uh, so you’re telling us that they’re not fat because visitors kept feeding them (illegally)?

Either way, they promised that the tigers will lose weight by summer. If they do return to normal tiger sizes by then, we’ll wanna hear about what diet and exercise regime they’re on. Because right now we’re not even sure if they can even walk.

In the meantime, we can’t help but be reminded of this animation when we saw the rotund tigers:

You can check out more of Rollin’ Safari’s bulbous animals on their Youtube feed for a good laugh.