Japanese Man Slaps Police Officers Then Converts to Islam

A Japanese expat smacked three police officers while drunk and got slapped with a fine. Recently charged $6,000 for his tipsy tantrum, the 27-year-old may have damaged our common perception of Japanese as models of decorum.

By Vincent Tan

Feature image belongs to Jerome Chua 

In September last year, a horribly drunk Takeshi Masano was spotted tussling with another person at City Hall MRT. The loud and unsteady young man was escorted to the station’s first aid room, and the Public Transport Security Command was called in.

When the officers arrived and tried to calm the flailing drunkard, Takeshi transformed into the ‘slapper of cops’ in this bizarre sequence of events:

  1. Officers calm him down and seat him.
  2. He stands up, mutters, loses his balance and falls to the floor.
  3. He slaps officer #1 on both cheeks.
  4. He slaps officer #2 on one side.
  5. He stands again, falls backward and hits his head on a bed frame.
  6. Officers help him up and bandage his head.
  7. He slaps Officer #3 a few times, when asked about his condition.

Now smacked with a hefty fine himself, the son of (ironically) Japanese police officers, has since written letters of apology to the officers involved. “If the prosecution had not asked for a fine, I would have sent him to two days in jail for him to sober up, pardon the pun,” the judge said, duly appreciating the absurd situation.

In a bizarre attempt to stay dry, Masano has since converted to Islam. The End.

And if you don’t believe us, you can read all about it on ST