8 Warning Signs of Gluten Intolerance

You may have seen a proliferation of gluten-free products out there, and while it's become a loaded word these days, the truth is, it’s...

The Return of Supersonic Flights?

In this day and age, travelling by air is almost as common as travelling by car a couple of decades ago. With advancements in...

From Cherry Pie Frappuccino to KitKat Sushi: Japan’s Weird Food Obsession

Japan is no stranger to creating strange – yet pleasing – food items. Especially for a limited edition release. Plenty of major brands take...

How to Make Money Writing Fan Fiction

Many of us follow popular TV series, books, and games, like Harry Potter or Twilight or Assassin's Creed, and the like. And...

Travel To The World’s Most Expensive Places More Affordably

Is your travel bucket list filled with spots like Iceland, Sweden, and Hawaii? While the costs fluctuate due to exchange rates, here are some tips...

Okinawa: Islands of the Dragon

Geographically closer to Southeast Asia than the rest of mainland Japan, Okinawa may be Japanese, but its personality couldn’t be more different than what...

Working Dogs of the World

It is hard to imagine a world with no cuddly, loyal dogs by our side. Dogs have been our companion for hundreds of years...

Fast Food Nation: Burger King

When it comes to fast food, the 'home of the whopper' is probably popular with many. For a long time, they've associated their flame-grilled...

Bulidings with holes for public transport

With MRTs being built all over Singapore, access to public transport has never been closer. Unless you live in Chongqing, China. In one particular 19-storey...

Japanese Cats That Love Drain Holes

Even if you're not a cat lover (ahem, Yishun), there's no denying that the funny antics cats get up to can be downright hilarious...