Selfies That Make You Go "WTF?"


Just when you think you’ve seen it all, the #selfie movement will challenge your understanding of basic human weirdness. While it’s understandable that new styles of selfies catch on like wildfire (like the OOTD), some of these will make you wonder what the internet is really for.

Frozen Chicken (#FrozenChook)
Cooked up in October in New Zealand this year, the #FrozenChook selfie is basically about folks posing as – you guessed it – a frozen chicken. Why? Who knows. But just search the hashtag and you’ll find a whole bunch of naked folks posing as this unfortunate poultry in a wide variety of settings, from rooftops to a library aisle.

Port hills staying frozen #frozenchook

A photo posted by @frozenchook on

  • Sparrow Face (#SparrowFace)
    The #DuckFace selfie was so last season, so the internet (aka folks with too much free time) came up with another type of bird face (what is it with birds and the internet??). The difference? Pose with your lips slightly open instead of puckered – but keep your eyes wide open. The #SparrowFace really takes the cake when it comes to showcasing the ‘blur look’.

    Christina Ricci (#Riccing)
    When this pint-sized actress posted a selfie of herself fitting into her washing machine and fridge, the internet followed. Named #Riccing, the trend saw folks from all over the world posting pics of themselves in tight spaces – under tables, shelves, chairs, sinks, cabinets, and the like. Being small does have its benefits, including not needing too much leg space on airplanes.

    It's too hot in #Melbourne for #Lawrencing so we've gone for #Riccing instead #backpacking #justabitofsillyfun

    A photo posted by Barkly Backpackers – St Kilda (@barklyback) on

    Butt Selfie (#Belfie)
    The selfie stick is old news, so the internet came up with the #belfie stick – basically one that’s specifically used to take photos of your bum so you don’t need a mirror. No surprise who came up with the hashtag in the first place (a certain Kardashian), but someone else certainly made a mint by selling the Belfie stick for US$79.99.

    Nutscaping (#nutscaping)
    Of all the strangest selfies to take the internet, #nutscaping certainly straddles the line between insanity and hilarity. Guys would go out and find a perfect landscape photograph, only to ruin it by dropping their pants and taking the photo with their nuts dangling every so slightly in the frame! While effort has been (slightly) made to only hint at the presence of said nuts, the photos will prove that they’re pretty obvious thanks to the gross presence of um, body hair. One thing’s for sure: these photographers certainly have balls.


    These are just some examples of how the quest for interesting selfies will forever ruin your experience on the internet.