The Animals of Christmas

Season’s Greetings! With the year-end rolling round, weird Christmas tales are also making the rounds. In the spirit of animals that hold political office (other than the one living on Donald Trump’s head), we present to you the fuzzy tales of the holidays.

The Squirrel that Stole Christmas

USA – This little woodland creature seems to be playing Grinch and trying to steal Christmas. A Seattle homeowner who was wondering where her Christmas lights were vanishing to finally recorded the cute critter in action.

The little burglar actually pilfered some 150 Christmas bulbs from her home in just 24 hours (nab and jump, nab and jump – thankfully without getting electrocuted).

Rather than being seasonal decorators, a squirrel expert (yes squirrel expert) said the chipper little rodents routinely mistake Christmas lights for food (which would explain why some bulbs were found buried around the homeowner’s neighbourhood).

Luckily for squirrels, which usually store up more than they need, this Christmas blunder won’t cost him too much other than some online infamy.

“…And a Snake in a Christmas Tree!”

AUSTRALIA – In a strange – and slithery – twist on Christmas tradition, a snake was found coiled among the traditional ornaments adorning a Melbourne Christmas tree, like some dragon guarding its mystical Christmas hoard.

Although the tale ended safe and quirky, it could have turned deadly – the tiger snake was really venomous, with a bite that causes breathing difficulty, paralysis and death if left untreated.

Thankfully, the home owner kept her head, photographed the meter long reptile, sealed the room, and called in a snake catcher who quickly had it removed.

As it is a protected species in Australia, the misguided reptile was safely released in a friend’s bush property (hopefully far away from more Christmas trees).

A (Feathery) Child is Born

BRAZIL – A family in Sao Paulo had a rare treat when the tree they had decorated with ornament owls and nests actually became the home of a nesting mother bird.

Two baby birds later hatched inside the nest, and soon were ready to leave, so the family left their doors and windows open for the bird family to exit or enter freely.

The mother bird itself is so tame it sits on the home owner’s hand, making for a very unique Christmas season.

Beaver does some Christmas Shopping

USA – A Maryland dollar store had a surprise customer sporting dark fur and a paddle tail – a beaver that headed into the Christmas section and started rummaging around, leaving a trail of empty boxes behind it. The amused sheriff’s office tweeted about the incident:

Animal control found the culprit with its paws up against a 6-foot artificial tree complete with lights. After its ‘arrest’ the beaver was given into the care of a wildlife rehabilitator.

And all the carollers go – Awwww!

When times are tough and the year has been crazy as 2016, adorable animals are a positive boon by reminding us of a very important lesson: to keep smiling.


By Vincent Tan