Top 10 Trump V Clinton Memes

By the time an estimated 84 million people tuned in to the perfervid clash between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the recent presidential debate, a lot of them were already feeling like this:


With the next presidential debate coming around the corner (Oct 10), here are some unforgettable memes of the “beloved” candidates.

    1. When you are all prepared for the debate

They probably practiced this for hours in a mirror, beforehand. Hillary’s been working hard to perfect her “believable human emotion” face.

  1. The internet never forgets

hillary-clinton-meme-13No worries if you don’t get it. The internet never forgets. Google it.

  1. Oh the ironyrelease-taxes-800

You know what they say: “The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources” – also true of emails and tax returns.

  1. Regarding haircuts

One candidate spends $600 on a haircut and the other claims to be super-rich and strangely, can’t even afford one.

  1. Best idea of 2016 goes to …donald-trump-martian

We’ll pay to leave Trump on Mars, and then bring Matt Damon home on the same ship.

  1. The truth behind Trump1190552

I KNEW IT WAS PLANKTON! This is one conspiracy theory worth believing in (compared to the ones Trump has said)

  1. Someone’s living in denial

 See “irony

  1. The worst “Would You Rather” ever played in historyi-see-your-next-president-will-either-be-hillary-clinton-3088198

Actually, we’d rather not have an insane, orange-faced dictator ruining the entire world. Thanks for asking.

    1. Well what can you do about it?

Whoever wins the presidential race will officially take office on 20th January 2017. Remember that date. Because if Trump wins, that will be the date future time travellers come back to, to try and avert the apocalypse.

10. Did he really say that?
Not exactly the kind of speech to win you over.

P.S. Now a word from President Obama: