You Can’t Spell Funeral Without Fun


Tombstones To Remember

Screen Shot 2013-11-21 at 4.22.29 PMBy: Samantha Pereira, Lakshmi Ganesan and Annabelle Maria Jeffrey

It’s always better to leave on a good note, but wouldn’t it be better to leave with a bang? What better way to do that then by planning what goes on your tombstone. That thought might have made you shudder, but let’s face it – none of us are ever going to escape the Grim Reaper, so instead of making it a family decision, go ahead and decide what will go on yours. We’ve compiled a list for some good inspiration.

1. For the overly attached computer geek:

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2. They were probably the butt of all jokes

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3. For those that prefer taking the road less travelled:

4. Homeless and loving it:

5. For the Grammarist:

6. One with sass:

7. For the social media aficionado:

8. Clearly living in denial:

9) For those that lived a full life:

10) For the hyper ones:


11) For those with a morbid sense of humour:

So, which one did you love best? If you can top those, let us know!